Supported Math Operations and Functions

The following operations and functions can be used when defining the expressions used in math parameters and filters:

Math For Calculations

The binary operations and functions listed below perform simple math calculations on the variables included in the expression.

Supported Binary Operations


Sum up two operands.


Subtract two operands.


Multiple two operands.


Divide two operands.


Raise to a power.

Supported Functions


Returns the sine of x where x is in radians.


Returns the cosine of x where x is in radians.


Returns the tangent of x where x is in radians.


Returns the absolute value of x.


Returns the whole number nearest x.


The relational and logical operations listed below are used when the output of the expression is intended to be binary (TRUE or FALSE) such as the expressions used for filters.

1- indicates a TRUE result
0 - indicates a FALSE result

Supported Relational Operations


If x > y, result is 1. If not, result is 0.


If x < y, result is 1. If not, result is 0.


If x = y, result is 1. If not, result is 0.

Supported logical Operations


If x = 1 (TRUE) and y = 1 (TRUE), result is 1. If not, result is 0.


If x = 1 (TRUE) or y = 1 (TRUE), result is 1. If not, result is 0.


If x = 1 (TRUE) and y = 1 (TRUE), result is 1. If not, result is 0.


If x = 1 (TRUE) and y = 1 (TRUE), result is 1. If not, result is 0.