Math Parameters

Math Parameters Manager can be used to create complex values that take into account multiple channels. Once defined, these parameters can be used in gauges, graphs, and charts as if they were output from a sensor or PID.

To open this window, select Tools > Math Parameters.

The most commonly used math parameters are built in (predefined). The software also allows you to add up to 10 user defined parameters.

Defining Math Parameters

1. In the Maths - User folder, select the user math parameter that you wish to configure.
2. On the right side of the window, enter a Name and an Abbreviation for the parameter.

NOTE: The Abbreviation will be displayed on gauges, charts, and other locations where space is limited.

3. Enter the Expression for this parameter. This is the formula that will be used to calculate the new parameter. See Defining Expressions below.
4. Select the Unit for this parameter.
5. In the Decimals box, enter the number of decimal places to show for this parameter's value.

Defining Expressions

An expression is the mathematical formula that is used to calculate the parameter's value. The expression can include the output of sensors and PIDs, which are inserted into the expression as variables.

The process for defining an expression is as follows:

1. Insert variables that represent that output of the sensors and/or PIDs that will be included in the calculation.
2. Add supported math operations to complete the desired calculation.

Note that there are two types of expression:


Calculated Expressions

A calculated expression applies mathematical operations to the output of the sensors or PIDs identified in the expression in order to provide a modified signal or a signal that is derived from multiple inputs.


100 * ([50119.238] - [50118.238]) / [50118.238]
([2126.240] * ([6210.71] / 1000) * [50112.254] * [50121]) / [50030.91]

Conditional Expressions

A conditional expression specifies a function that tests the output data stream of the sensors or PIDs identified in the expression and produces a TRUE or FALSE result for each frame of the output.

This type of expression is typically used in filters.

Conditional expressions must return either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE).


[50010] > 25
([50010] > 25 OR [25] = 50) AND [3131] > 10