
Layouts specify the arrangement of panels that appear in the main display area of VCM Scanner. There are three types of panel that can be included here. All of them present live vehicle data or data from a log file in graphical formats that may be useful for analysis.





Gauge Panel

Gauge panels represent sensor data and/or PIDs as gauges in a cluster.

See Gauge Panel for information on using and customizing these panels.


Graph Panel

Graph panels represent sensor data and/or PIDs in a table format. This can be useful if you are gathering sample data to populate a table in VCM Editor.

See Graph Panel for usage and customization instructions.


Chart vs. Time Panel

This type of panel charts the value of sensor outputs or PIDs over time.

See Chart vs. Time Panel for usage and customization instructions.

NOTE: All panels are highly configurable. As long as you have channels setup to supply the data, they can display whatever performance and/or troubleshooting data you need to see.

Customizing Layouts

You can do the following to customize a layout:

Remove a panel by clicking on the X in its upper-right corner.
Add a panel by selecting Layout > Add to Layout in the menu bar.
Resize panels by clicking and dragging the border between two panels.
Move the panels around on the display. See Arranging Layouts for details.
To customize the contents of any panel, right-click on the panel you wish to customize and then choose the Layout option. See the sections on the individual panel types for detailed instructions.

NOTE: If you want to add a displayed value to any panel, you must provide an input on the Channels display, or create a math parameter to supply the data. Adding parameters to any layout display will not automatically add them to the Channels display.

To customize the styling of any panel, right-click on the panel you wish to customize and then select Display Properties. See the sections on the individual panel types for detailed instructions.

Saving a Layout

To save the current layout, including panel size and position, as well as any customization you have done to the individual panels:

1. In the toolbar, select .
2. Enter a name for the layout file and click Save.

Loading a Saved Layout

To load a layout you have saved to file:

1. In the toolbar, select .
2. Select Open Layout.

NOTE: Layout files that you have recently used are listed below this item. Selecting one of these is a shortcut to loading it.

3. Browse for the saved layout file and click Open.

Loading a Default Layout

There are a number of pre-defined layouts listed in the menu bar. To open one of these layouts:

1. In the menu bar, select Layout > Default Layouts.
2. Select one of the listed layouts.