The Table Editor Toolbar

The toolbar in Table Editor has many options for viewing and modifying tables.

Table Open, Save and Print

Import a table from a file and overwrite current table.

Save the table to a file.

Print the table.


Add this table to your favorites.

Remove this table from your favorites.

See Using Favorites for more information.

File Compare

View the table for the primary calibration

View the table for the compare calibration

View the differences between the primary and compare calibrations

NOTE: These icons change the view for the current table only. To change the view for all open tables, use the icons in VCM Editor's main toolbar or in the Compare menu. See Comparing Two Tune Files for more information.


Reload the current table

Copy and Paste

Copy table selection to clipboard

Paste table selection from clipboard


Replace selected cells with the value in the box

Add the value in the box to the selected cells

Multiply the selected cells by the value in the box

Single View Vs. Split view

View only one data representation (table or 2D/3D graph)

Use a horizontal split with the table display on top and the graph on the bottom

Use a vertical split with the table display on the left and the graph on the right

Select View

Selects the table view. In split view mode, the table is always one of the views in the split.

Selects the 3D graph view. In split view mode, this changes between 2D and 3D graph view.

Selects the 2D graph view. In split view mode, this changes between 2D and 3D graph view.


NOTE: The functions of these two icons were swapped in VCM Suite version 4.12. (If you are using an older release, use the description for the other icon in this list).

Increase decimal precision (add a decimal place)

Decrease decimal precision (remove a decimal place)

Smoothing and Interpolation

Smooth the entire selection

Smooth the selection only using a horizontal pass

Smooth the selection only using a vertical pass

When using the smoothing functions, the level of smoothing will be determined by your current precision. To increase the effected area of your smoothing, increase your precision

Interpolate the entire selection (flat plane)

Interpolate between horizontal bounds (creates lines)

Interpolate between vertical bounds (creates lines)