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Thread: How slow does the ve table move

  1. #1

    How slow does the ve table move

    How much of an adjustemnt do i have to make to it to get my Trims to move. I am on my fifth pass and they seem to be getting a LITTLE better but not where i want them.

  2. #2
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Central Florida

    Re: How slow does the ve table move

    VE affects the low-end-airflow cells most, may
    not affect the mid- and upper end at all or only
    on throttle transients. So depending on where
    you are looking, you may be waiting for something
    that ain't gonna move.

    This whole subject (where is VE a strong contributor
    to steady-state and to dynamic-throttle fuel calcs?)
    is still pretty unclear to most everybody (if there's
    anyone who has The Truth they ain't been talking,
    on any 'board I frequent; many are speculating and
    experimenting, but nobody's got their Pope hat yet).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Streamwood, IL.

    Re: How slow does the ve table move

    ok this is what i get for reading the readme but under VE tables i get this:

    MAF Airflow vs. Output Frequency: This table is used to calibrate the MAF sensor. The MAF sensor works by outputting a frequency signal that is proportional to the airflow through the meter. This table is used to lookup the Airflow (g/sec) value for a given frequency and ultimately calculate the Airmass (g/cyl) used for fuelling calculations. If you modify your MAF meter you will likely have to modify this table.

    Main VE

    Primary VE Percent vs. RPM vs. MAP: This table is used to determine airmass per cylinder in case of MAF failure and also to provide a base airflow value to check for MAF failure. It is also used to provide transient condition correction to the VCM main airmass calculations. Although it is not strictly a VE table in the traditional sense, it is displayed in % for convenience.

  4. #4

    Re: How slow does the ve table move

    Well I scaled the WHOLE VE table using 96% and guess what not to much if anything chaned finally so cells were - but others were still +

  5. #5
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Central Florida

    Re: How slow does the ve table move

    If you saw 4% response in certain cells that
    would indicate they are "VE responders" and
    ones that did not move, aren't. I would be
    interested to know which cells moved by how
    much in response to the scaling (or better, cell-
    by-cell, 0 - 22, what the delta-LTFT was).