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Thread: Torque Based TCC Control

  1. #1

    Torque Based TCC Control

    Has anyone messed with Torque Based TCC Control, turning it on? I believe all the 10r80 and 10r140 calibrations have it turned off from factory. Wanting to make the TCC lock and stay locked...It's detecting wheel slip and not wanting to lock the TCC.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by bmpcamry09 View Post
    I think there are some tables hidden in these tune files that keeps some TCC behavior hidden as I have battled with this as well.

    I have found a little success though if you copy your slip tables to the lock tables if the lock tables aren't being used (usually they say 10,000). Also put the same OSS in your slip tables across the board rather i.e if you want to have everything past 3rd gear locked, use a OSS of like 700 for the whole chart, then make the unlock chart 100 less. I also disable TCC adaptive and disable torque based shift scheduling in your main trans tab as well. See if that helps
    Thanks for the reply. Interestingly enough, when I copied my TCC lock and TCC slip, the transmission went into some type of fail safe mode. Don't know why, I made sure that I made the correct changes. Yes, I have done the OSS changes to set 3rd locked and beyond and it's treated me well. I just don't get why these 10r140s feel the need to unlock the TCC when detecting wheel slip, it takes forever for it to lock again, relocking timer is probably set high but we don't have access to it.

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    You could try using the slip tables again but set the slip to 0 rpm in each gear.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by engineermike View Post
    You could try using the slip tables again but set the slip to 0 rpm in each gear.
    Factory calibration has it zero'd out anything over 737ftlbs IIRC.