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Thread: 2018 Mustang GT VVt Coming out of Optimum Power at WOT

  1. #1

    2018 Mustang GT VVt Coming out of Optimum Power at WOT

    I'm dealing with a 2018 GT with a Whipple, I have the car running good and I am just dealing with a few issues. One being that at Wide Open Throttle the car will enter Optimum Power mode for the VVT and then almost immediately returns to best Fuel Economy mode for the VVT. Fuel source goes into power demand and does not come out, Fuel correction is 0-2% during the pull, Spark stays in borderline the entire time and the throttle stays open. I just can't keep the VVT in OP, on the dyno it stayed in OP the entire time. I had many drivability problems and overtime have fixed most everything, but with those fixes came many changes. I obviously made a change or two with the VVT system that is not making the VVT happy. Today was the first ok day that I could go wot on the street, the tires stayed planted and the car kept straight. I unfortunately connected to the car before I saved the run and have to head off to work, so no log. If someone could please take a look, it would be much appreciated.

    Thank You
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  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    I can fix IM. Me

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    There are two thresholds that must be met in order to enter OP: pedal position and engine load. Both must be satisfied to enter OP. I set throttle threshold to 0 so I can consistently enter OP at the same load every time. Also, the cal may require it to be in PE mode before OP, so that could be the third threshold. Check to see if PE is required to enter OP.

  4. #4
    I currently fixed the problem by going back a few calibrations, now it stays in OP the entire pull. The two threshold settings for OP are the same between the two calibrations, so I have no idea what it is. Fixed for now with an entire new can of problems.

  5. #5
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I have the same issue of not staying in OP mode, it actually goes to VCT disabled. Are you able to share some more info on your fix? Base calibration etc?

  6. #6
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Sep 2022
    Clearwater FL
    This probably doesnt help. a few other tables are like this too
    Screenshot 2023-10-27 163830.png

  7. #7
    Tuner in Training
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Thats whacky!

    My torque tables aren't like that fortunately. My cams all go to zero for Position and Command, and the VCT schedule goes to zero. Right around 3800-4000 rpm, every time.