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Thread: 2017 Fusion Sport, lots of limiting in low gear

  1. #41
    Senior Tuner metroplex's Avatar
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    I didn't see a limit on airload or boost at all, if anything it was running 1.5-2 psi higher than what I wanted but only at the last 1 or 2 gears. I backed down on the boost with the current tune and haven't really been testing it yet but I know it was flowing 42 lb/min with lower boost levels. I feel that on the FSport, one could flow 43-44 lb/min but most of it would be just heat at the track. There are 1 or 2 vendors selling aftermarket intercoolers that could help reduce the charge temps but most of the people that bought them don't know how to datalog or they aren't posting results. I think your truck could flow 44 lb/min at the track all day long and not have an issue with the heatsoak.

  2. #42
    Senior Tuner metroplex's Avatar
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    I found another issue. Normally under WOT whether in Drive or Sport Mode, I can hit 40 to 42 lb/min airflow. If I use the paddles to manually downshift to say 3rd or 4th and go WOT, airflow is limited to 31 lb/min and I see insufficient fuel flow cause limits for a variety of sources. Bottom line is power is limited when I use the manual paddle shifting.

  3. #43
    Senior Tuner metroplex's Avatar
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    I sent HPTuners support my log file. It looks like when I use the paddles, it switches to a different set of driver demand or desired torque values, or perhaps a different set of limiters - although the desired torque value varies, so I don't believe it is a different set of limiters. It seems similar to my 2014 SHO where if I switched to Sport mode, it switches to a different driver demand table that HPTuners had to unlock as a Sport/Terrain mode.

    Looking at the data again, using the paddles seems to switch it to stock desired torque levels and stock boost/stock airflow values.
    Last edited by metroplex; 05-30-2018 at 02:26 PM.

  4. #44
    Senior Tuner metroplex's Avatar
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    It looks like whatever software that Unleashed uses has this table or tables defined because the users can get full boost using the paddles. I hope someone figures it out at HPtuners because I'd really like to use the paddles with full boost capability.

  5. #45
    Senior Tuner metroplex's Avatar
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    I seem to be able to flow more air with the paddles now, but it immediately sets off Insufficient Fuel. In Sport mode, if I let it shift by itself, I'll see Turbo FMEM / Turbo FMEM 2, but not insufficient fuel, and I can flow 44 lb/min at close to 6k RPM. If I manually shift with the paddles in Sport mode, it limits my airflow to about 38-40 lb/min and I run into insufficient fuel - but my throttle plate is wide open. Weird.

  6. #46
    Senior Tuner metroplex's Avatar
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    So after talking with Puggyberra, I think I figured it out.

    720 - SOI Minimum = Minimum in BTDC (MIN)
    MIN - EOI Clip = Max Inj Angle

    So if SOI Min is 383, and EOI Clip at 2150 psi is 120, then the Max Inj Angle should be 217.
    This coincides with what the factory settings were (383, 120, 220).

    After using this logic, I increased (numerically decreased EOI Clip) and re-adjusted Max Inj Angle to match it. I no longer have the Insufficient Fuel error even when using the paddles on the Fusion Sport.

  7. #47
    Advanced Tuner skylinedan's Avatar
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    Has anything changed with this issue since the last reply ?