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Thread: how to view max injector duty cycle

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
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    Aug 2012

    how to view max injector duty cycle

    so since ive been tuning to look up where my duty cycles are i just scroll through the chart and find what i'm looking for.

    i was told by a friend that hes pretty sure there is a way to just view what your max duty cycle is. he also said that he's seen someone put it in a histogram.

    i tried to figure it out on my own for a bit but i figured insead of getting frusturated i'd just ask .


  2. #2
    HP Tuners Support
    Bill@HPTuners's Avatar
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    Hailing from Parts Unknown
    max duty cycle of what? Its all relative.

    Your duty cycle could go past 100%.

    Most will say to stay under 80% at wot as this is around the point where the drivers start loosing a bit of control over the injectors.
    It doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be done in two weeks...

    A wise man once said "google it"

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    Aug 2012
    Max injector duty cycle.
    How do i put it in a histogram Or maybe in the gauges window if possible.
    Or just see the highest value in % (really the only one im interested in)

    Ive beenusing the charts but its time consuming.
    Last edited by Bdpprocessors; 08-14-2012 at 01:25 AM.

  4. #4
    Advanced Tuner
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    Finland, Europe
    Go to Histogram settings.

    Select empty one.

    Click PID line and select Injector Duty Cycle (from the bottom..). If you want, create a custom filter as well.


    Note: you may need to select something for the row and col axis. I don't have Gen IV stuff now avalable for a screenshot and I'm using beta anyway, which is a bit different from Histogram conf point of view I think.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Az.
    If I understand you correctly, you want a histogram or gauge to automatically show you the highest % of injector duty cycle reached during a log file. As you probably know, that can be done with the various gauges in the scanner like RPM, etc. However injector duty cycle is not a selectable parameter in gauge configurations.

    And the normal options in histograms is average, last and count, not highest value. Lastly I am unaware of a filter that shows highest value. I might be wrong.

  6. #6
    Senior Tuner 5_Liter_Eater's Avatar
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    IDC is an available PID to select when creating a gauge, histo or chart. As long as you're logging injector pulsewidth for both banks the IDC PID will calculate it for you.
    Bill Winters

    Former owner/builder/tuner of the FarmVette
    Out of the LSx tuning game

  7. #7
    Advanced Tuner
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    I have a gauge set up for duty cycle.
    When arguing with an idiot, make sure he isn't doing the same thing....

  8. #8
    Potential Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim2092 View Post
    If I understand you correctly, you want a histogram or gauge to automatically show you the highest % of injector duty cycle reached during a log file. As you probably know, that can be done with the various gauges in the scanner like RPM, etc. However injector duty cycle is not a selectable parameter in gauge configurations.

    And the normal options in histograms is average, last and count, not highest value. Lastly I am unaware of a filter that shows highest value. I might be wrong.

    How do i put average in a gauge?
    That would work because gauges show the max value eith the outlined pointer.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Az.
    5 Liter Eater and Michael D are right.

    Open your scanner>open gauge display>right click with the cursor on the gauge display>left click on the parameter that you want to replace with injector duty cycle>left click on PID:> left click on Inj. duty cycle. Make sure you check Draw Max. and have both Inj. Pulse Width Avg. in your table display.

    Hope this is clear.
    Last edited by jim2092; 08-14-2012 at 04:02 PM.

  10. #10
    Potential Tuner
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jim2092 View Post
    5 Liter Eater and Michael D are right.

    Open your scanner>open gauge display>right click with the cursor on the gauge display>left click on the parameter that you want to replace with injector duty cycle>left click on PID:> left click on Inj. duty cycle. Make sure you check Draw Max. and have both Inj. Pulse Width Avg. in your table display.

    Hope this is clear.
    Worked Perfect!!! Thanks