Got a little surging going on in gear at light throttle and I'm thinking my spark tables need a little help.

My question is should I line up my IDLE spark (PN/Gear) with my base spark (hi/lo) tables?

I looked at my IDLE spark and I'm pretty sure I'm a bit low given the cam (600ish lift/230ish duration) I'm running. I figure I should be around 20degrees at idle, looking like I'm around 15 right now. The BASE spark tables have the spark up around 20/21 in the idle area (22/23g). I guess another question is which table(s) is in use here as this is a rolling light throttle issue and the idle spark may no longer be in use.

Also If I give it a little more BRAF (like 5%) the surging in gear is "better" (it does not die 50% of the time, maybe only 10%) but the car idles at a high RPM while rolling and wants to go down the road. With the foot on the brake it idles in gear nicely... Just when rolling it want so gain RPM/momentum.

I'm just starting to tune this, I'm not great at this but I can get around and actually enjoy it provided I make some incremental progress! As of right now the car is in SD mode and I'm tuning the VE tables via AFR Error in the 4000 and under RPM range. I figured while I'm VE tuning I should try to get this surging ironed out if possible.