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Thread: Need some input - KR at low RPM full throttle

  1. #1

    Question Need some input - KR at low RPM full throttle

    car is a 2006 saab aero 2.8T A6 with 200k miles. no other mods
    cant figure out why there's KR at low RPM when i go WOT. attached are 2 scans. could it be the infamous ignition coils? is it burst KR or false KR?
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  2. #2
    Senior Tuner
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    Real knock. What do you think of those B2 fuel trims?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusC1024 View Post
    Real knock. What do you think of those B2 fuel trims?
    yea i believe its real too. someone on one of the fb saab groups was very kind and alerted me that the 06 MY alone had really aggressive timing tables compared to 07+. i was to verify that claim and found a 09 b284 stock file, and comparing between the 2, the 06 has on avg +6-8* more than the 09. i currently set my 06 tables all alike 09. i also zeroed the AFR added tables and kept the lambda at 0.81.
    what do you meant by the B2 fuel trims? if you meant the LTFT and STFT, yea they're rather insane coming from other platforms i tuned such as LS1, L67, and the LNF, this LP9 is weird shit. doesnt help the fact hptuners gave up decrypting the rest of the ME9.6 and i wish i was able to adjust some of the OS stuff like the security stuff, the DRLs, etc.

  4. #4
    Senior Tuner
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    Fuel trims should always approach as close to zero as you can get them, doesn't matter which GM platform you are looking at. And probably all platforms. If you have large fuel trim numbers on 1 bank you likely have non tune problems.

  5. #5


    did some tweaking and got a decent pull. only low KR at bottom of the RPMs still but not as much as before. i also noticed at full throttle im running about 9.5* of timing but my timing table(s) at 130% load is 13.5*? im thinking one of the torque to load table is cutting the overall power. i think it may be the one called Max Air Load Torque? i only say that because that table i have 75% set across the board unless someone would be kinda and review my file please?
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by fst100 View Post
    what do you meant by the B2 fuel trims?
    Quote Originally Posted by fst100 View Post
    im thinking one of the torque to load table is cutting the overall power.
    You have the Aero model with the 2.8 V6. There should be B1 and B2 readings from the O2 sensors. Fuel trims for B2 are missing from your most recent log, and B1 STFT is pretty rough.

    In the first log, B2 trims were maxed out. Figure out why that is before tuning around a problem.

  7. #7
    I removed it because I thought b2 was not used and the 2.8 only has 2 o2 sensors, b1s1 and b1s2, similar to the wbodies and not like the 4th gen fbodies where they have 4

  8. #8
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    Oh I see B1S1 reads both banks, and it's a wideband.

  9. #9
    yessir. it threw me for a loop as well. after i watched a youtuber install a midpipe and downpipe on his 2.8 i realize i didnt need the other B2 sensors. still cant shake KR though. there are no misfires in the logs, so i presume its not ignition coils or plugs like other ppl suggest and the KR is not specific on one cylinder. i am using 93 oct and was even thinking about mixing a bit of e85 to make it e47 which in theory is equivalent to running race gas and not max out the IDC. i really dont want to lower timing anymore otherwise the exhaust gas temp EGT will rise running same boost pressure.

  10. #10
    Senior Tuner
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    Have you tried adjusting MAF to correct STFT?

  11. #11
    Yes, I did raise the areas where the kr appeared by 1.5% but saw no change

  12. #12
    Senior Tuner
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    It's showing more than 10% lean in a lot of places. Have you tried plotting STFT vs MAF Hz then applying that error to the MAF cal?

  13. #13
    that i have not. how would i go about doing that?

    edit also i dont know if its possible t convert the MAF voltage to hz which is whats the ME9.6 ecu uses (again odd).
    Last edited by fst100; 01-30-2024 at 05:55 AM.

  14. #14
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    Haha what an oddball. Anyway it's possible. Here's how you setup the table and then what the tune looks like muliply-percent. It's not interpolated/extrapolated in this shot. Watch that you don't mulitply-percent from the log on values that are negative because it'll go the opposite way. For the negatives take the reciprocal. If it shows 15% lean then multiply by 1.00/1.15.

    stft vs maf volts.png

    Here's the rest of the table done. When you start to get smaller percentage error after logging use multiply percent-half.

    maf adjusted.png

    Really you should use some MAF cleaner then do a log. Dirty sensor will read less airflow than actual.
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    Last edited by SiriusC1024; 01-30-2024 at 08:22 AM.

  15. #15
    thanks. i'll try it out. and thanks for the added tip.

  16. #16
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    Power Enrichment is setup really lean. Idk if that's factory or not, but I'd experiment with it.

    Same for component protection lambda. It's not really doing anything at 1.0.

  17. #17
    i thought i have it set at 11.76ish? factory is 12.3ish. i set the component protection lambda to 1.0 as factory was ranging under 0.99 wihch i assume is commanding richer?

  18. #18
    Senior Tuner
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    Tune that you posted shows 0.94 lambda. ECT adder brings it down to .838 lambda or 12.3 AFR. The 11.76 you're talking is ok, but maybe a little lean. 11.3?

    Component protection is supposed to be rich to cool things.
    Last edited by SiriusC1024; 01-30-2024 at 09:21 AM.

  19. #19
    i can try 11.3 along with logging the maf v with stft.

  20. #20
    heres a log i did, i lowered AFR to 11.3. i also logged FP % and noticed its at 95%? how am i already maxing my FP on a nearly stock setup?
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