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Thread: CL63 - Read vehicle Error - HELP!

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Nov 2023

    CL63 - Read vehicle Error - HELP!

    Hoping someone can help me out.

    Have a 2012 CL63 AMG (5.5L Bi-turbo) that I plugged in the RTD , synced it, new firmware, etc. I then go to the Flash / Read Vehicle. It will collect what looks like 8 files, and then nothing. Here is what the message says:


    Manually selected controller is incorrect. Please choose
    Do Not Read or Try a different controller.

    I've deleted the RTD files off, resync'd . Tried all that is possible. I even did "gather info log for tech support" and sent over to the HP Tuner Tech support in hopes they might be able to help.

    Figured I'd come here , make a post if/when this gets resolved can update others that might have this same issue.

  2. #2
    Senior Tuner veeefour's Avatar
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    Have you tried to read with PC?

  3. #3
    Advanced Tuner outlaw_50's Avatar
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    United Arab Emirates, AlAin
    if there is an option to choose then choose MED17.7.1.

    If you did gather info and it didnt gather or you tried to log but there are many pid's missing then the coding of the ecu is not compatible with hptuners.

  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
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    Nov 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by outlaw_50 View Post
    if there is an option to choose then choose MED17.7.1.

    If you did gather info and it didnt gather or you tried to log but there are many pid's missing then the coding of the ecu is not compatible with hptuners.
    Have since had some success, got the RTD to talk to the ECM using the RTD editor. Plus a new firmware update from HP Tuners. Was able to flash an RTD tune into the ECM, everything went as planned. Car started- unplugged everything and figure we were in the clear. Until the next day, went out to take car for drive - nothing, wouldn't start and the fan was on full control. Tried to pull codes thru RTD, showed none. Then connected laptop again with RTD editor - was saying Controller init. failed.

    Now how in the world did something happen over night that would cause the ECM to stop working or communicating. Now when put the key into position 2, nothing happens except the fan full power. Plus its been showing "replace key battery". Tried with both keys same message.

    Wanted to give update incase any other CL63 AMG owners have similar challenges.

  5. #5
    Senior Tuner veeefour's Avatar
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    No way tune will Brick itself ower night...

  6. #6
    Potential Tuner
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    Quote Originally Posted by veeefour View Post
    No way tune will Brick itself ower night...
    oddly enough it was the ECM that upped and stopped working. Tested and confirmed all fuses and relays on the car. In the end had to send the ECM into HP Tuners, they did something to the ECM and bingo car started working again. Go figure!?!

    Now the issue is that once got the module back and installed now the IP is lite up like a Christmas tree, no ABS, no traction control, all driver assist stuff doesn't work either. If it isn't one things its something else!!

  7. #7
    Advanced Tuner
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    I will be of zero help, but maybe you/someone could explain why this RTD exists? I looked it up and it seems to be an HP version of MyGenius?
    So it's for people who don't want to tune it themselves, and for tuners that won't do it unless their work is protected? Isn't there already a feature in the Editor to lock a tune for that exact reason? I've never used it, but assumed that's why it existed because why else would it exist?

    Another Q while I was on the website, if anyone knows:
    I saw the "User Defined Parameters License" for $169. Sounds neat, but apparently you can send the parameter(s) you want to HP and they will add them for free? So I'm confused there as well...

    CL63; sorry about your issue. Sounds F'd up and some, and I'd be super pissed! Bizarre chain of events too. Normally, with the MPVI, it seems to me people either brick it loading the HP Patch, or you're good. I have weird little issues now and then but nothing remotely close to yours.
    Too late now but we here suggest everyone make a copy with KTAG or KESS, before you do anything. Mainly because of the bricking issue but there are other bennies. Now I'd say it's a requirement if using that newfangled RTD thing.
    Sorry you're having to go through this... I wonder what HP says? Sorry we F'd up your car, have a nice day? If I were them I'd have a rep on a plane out to your house the next day. The place I work for does exactly that.
    '16 E550 Coupe RWD - C207.373 / M278.922 / MED17.7.3 / 722.909