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Thread: Export from Aim Solo 2 DL to RaceRender question

  1. #1
    Potential Tuner
    Join Date
    Sep 2023

    Export from Aim Solo 2 DL to RaceRender question

    Hi guys,

    i try to export data from an Aim Solo 2 DL and it did?nt work. I think the user guide is not up to date.

    Has anyone export the data from RaceStudio2 oder RaceStudio3? How did you do it?

    Thanks for your help

  2. #2
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Sounds like you just need to figure out how to export your data as a CSV file.

    The RaceRender documentation (which is a bit old...) says:
    • Open your session data in AIM's "Race Studio Analysis" program
    • Go to the "File" menu and select "Data Export in Excel"
    • Select the channels to export. "Select All" is recommended. Otherwise, you'll want at least:
      • GPS_Longitude
      • GPS_Latitude
      • GPS_Speed
      • GPS_Heading
      • GPS_Elevation
      • GPS_LonAcc
      • GPS_LatAcc
      • Speed
      • LatAcc
      • RPM
      • Any others that you want to display

    • Select the laps to export (recommended that you select all laps for the desired Run)
    • Set the "Compatibility" option to "CSV"
    • Set the "Decimal Digit Separator" option to "Dot"
    • Click the "Browse" button at the top to select the output file name and location
    • Click the "Save and Exit" button at the bottom
    • RaceRender should now be able to use the CSV file that was created (Note that GPS data must be included to show track map, vehicle location, and lap info)
    This link for RaceStudio3 seems to indicate that there's an Advanced tab where you'd want to try one of the CSV options:

    See if one of those will work; if not, we can look for other solutions.

  3. #3
    Potential Tuner
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    Sep 2023
    Hello HoboBob,

    thanks for your help. In the meanwhile i was on a racetrack and there was a guy who help me with the Racestudio 2 to extract the data to a CSV file, and the support vom AIM answered my question how top extract the data from Racestudio 3. So now it working with both programs.
    The next few days i share the knowledge in this threat how it works with both programs.


  4. #4
    Potential Tuner
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    Apr 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Sabremanpg View Post
    Hello HoboBob,

    thanks for your help. In the meanwhile i was on a racetrack and there was a guy who help me with the Racestudio 2 to extract the data to a CSV file, and the support vom AIM answered my question how top extract the data from Racestudio 3. So now it working with both programs.
    The next few days i share the knowledge in this threat how it works with both programs.

    I have this same question - I don't want to use RC2, so what format is best for RC3? I already discovered that you need to Data Download Preferences and add CSV exports there, but I don't know what format to use - there's CSV (which creates loads of files), CSV RS2Analysis, CSV SCCA, CSV FastLap

    They mean nothing to me! I just want the data in RR in as high res as I can!

  5. #5
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by tunerfush View Post
    I have this same question - I don't want to use RC2, so what format is best for RC3? I already discovered that you need to Data Download Preferences and add CSV exports there, but I don't know what format to use - there's CSV (which creates loads of files), CSV RS2Analysis, CSV SCCA, CSV FastLap

    They mean nothing to me! I just want the data in RR in as high res as I can!
    RR mainly just cares that there is a time field (preferably as the first column, but that can be configured on the Input File Configuration). I'd recommend exporting each individual type and then trying to import each one into RaceRender. Hopefully you will see a bunch of fields as options for that Input File when choosing a field for a Display Object. You could also post a Google Drive/Dropbox/etc link here to each of the files if you'd like someone else to take a look for you.