
Type: Posts; User: Fuse

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  1. Replies

    For any poor sole that comes across this tread...

    For any poor sole that comes across this tread later on in life. It is possible to link the lm2 data to vcm scanner using a usb port/external serial data.

    1. Watch this video....
  2. Replies

    Can you look at injector duty cycle or ms on time...

    Can you look at injector duty cycle or ms on time in data? This will give you an indication that the pcm is indeed trying to turn them on if there are values in the pids.
  3. Replies

    I guess at least you know its a fulling problem...

    I guess at least you know its a fulling problem and have made some progress. May be worth checking powers and grounds to the pcm at this point too.
  4. Replies

    I'm at a loose. Some times if you put low...

    I'm at a loose. Some times if you put low impedance injectors in a high impedance pcm you kill the injector drivers. They work for a bit then over heat due to running to many amps threw the injector...
  5. Replies

    Where is your maf sensor located? Is the pipe the...

    Where is your maf sensor located? Is the pipe the same size as the stock pipe? Is the pipe before the maf straight? Maf sensors are very touchy about changes and won't read correctly.
  6. Replies

    Ok so your using a noid light. Can you Hook up...

    Ok so your using a noid light. Can you Hook up your mpvi and run vcm scanner? To me it sould like one of your sensors is not reading correctly. Ect,map,iat. After letting the car sit for several...
  7. Replies

    Explain in more detail how your using the test...

    Explain in more detail how your using the test light. Connector plugged in or unplugged? Are you testing power or ground side? Your on the write track its fuel related.
  8. Replies

    I dont know much but what you are trying to use...

    I dont know much but what you are trying to use is a math channel. Click add channel in the channel list see if you can find afr command under the fuel tab. Add it then you can use math stuff in your...
  9. Thread: CMP retard PID

    by Fuse

    What pcm? usually when you hook up vcm scanner it...

    What pcm? usually when you hook up vcm scanner it will pull info off the pcm. Figure out what pcm it is then you can add channels as you see fit. Click add channel. I use the text filter a lot. Type...
  10. Replies

    From what I understand long term fuel trims are...

    From what I understand long term fuel trims are saved short term not so much. So, the data you are seeing is from the last drive session ish. If you are seeing huge numbers in ltft something may be...
  11. Replies

    I am new to hp tuners so not going to help you on...

    I am new to hp tuners so not going to help you on the tune part. It most differently could be a tune problem not opening the injectors enough during cranking or not having the correct timing. I'm an...
  12. Replies

    innovate lm2 cant get data off the usb.

    I did search but did not find anything. I have a innovate lm2 working fine. I am using a mpvi3. Fresh install of vcm scanner. I am trying to get data off the usb cable into vcm scanner. When I open...
  13. No, I’ve just been using the bench tester. I may...

    No, I’ve just been using the bench tester. I may start pulling fuses for other control modules. On some other forms/Facebook groups this was the fix. Some even clam it was a tsb for the trailblazer...
  14. So I did do some reading about that. The truck...

    So I did do some reading about that. The truck came with an aftermarket radio. I had a draw problem a few months ago so all that got removed. I no longer have door chime. Dose the factory radio have...
  15. Can only write to p12 ecu with bench tester but not in truck

    So I have a 2006 trailblazer making some very small tweaks to. When I try and write in the truck it times out. If I take the pcm out and use a bench tester I can write works fine. How do I go about...
Results 1 to 15 of 18