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Thread: 2022 highlifter 1000

  1. #1

    2022 highlifter 1000

    Hello all!
    Ive just started tinkering with hp tuners on my highlifter 1000, ive got the fuel adjusted to my liking for my exhaust can but for the life of me i cant find any speed limiter settings to change. I was wondering if anyone knows if this is something im overlooking or if its not yet in the programming seeing as its a 2022 model?

  2. #2
    Tuner jaz|TUNING's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Greenwood, AR
    I did not find a speed limiter on one of the maps I looked at, at least not one like that is presented in the DynoJet maps. I did find load limiting and and RPM limit:

    You may give these a try and see if that allows you to reach a higher speed.


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