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Thread: A4--->M6 Swap???

  1. #1

    A4--->M6 Swap???

    Ok I have looked on the site, but have gotten different answers. I have a 98 TA that I am trying to do a a4 to m6 swap. Can I just find a stock 98 m6 tune and adjust all my VE settings and what not and then do a write entire? I know I will have to do some extra wiring, but do I really need to get an entirely new PCM??
    98 F150

  2. #2
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I have done that numerous times on 1998 vehciles switching over from auto to manual or vice versa. So long as you do a write entire, it will be fine. A write calibration may FUBAR your ECM. Just ensure you have sufficient power to your vehicle and laptop (plug it into the wall). Have fun.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the info. Can't wait to get started!
    98 F150

  4. #4
    Well I tried to load an m6 tune file, but it would not let me get to the flash menu. Any ideas why?
    98 F150

  5. #5
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    What do you mean it will not let you get to the flash menu? Have you tried a Write Entire? Can you post up an image of the error code you are receiving?

  6. #6
    I downloaded a stock m6 tune from the tune repository. I opened it in the editor, and it brought up the licensing options window. I clicked no thanks. Then looking at the tune the Flash drop down menu is greyed out. I can't flash the PCM with the file i downloaded. WTF?
    98 F150

  7. #7
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    You need to use credits to license that file from the repository, inorder to flash it to your vehicle. Do not hit NO THANKS, you need to license it by using up credits.

  8. #8
    I don't have any left. Can I just turn off the a4 codes and be fine. I have already changed the idle tables and the VSS. What else do I need to do?
    98 F150

  9. #9
    Senior Tuner
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Yes, you can do that as well.