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Thread: Configuration & Histogram Repository

  1. #81
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith@HPTuners View Post
    04colyZQ8, please stop ranting all over the forum. Members of the forum typically aren't encouraged to help those that are constantly complaining and demanding things.
    I'm sorry I have been so busy creating a custom OS in raw hex, and physically swapping the motor in, I was excited to finally have cruise working, on the jack stands, and wanted to road test it, I haven't tuned for 2-3 years and Last one I tuned was a E40, I was expecting a learning curve and to have to relearn a few things I forgot, and virtual VE, but didn't realize I needed to basically, start from near the bottom up, and relearn the entire new program!!! So my excitement quickly turned to anger and frustration, when I was thinking a 3-4 days would yield me a drivable tune! ( I work full time, and have a part time job as well) This is just a hobby, tuning my own truck. Now I'm looking at a few weeks to learn it all and get a driveable tune, with my limited time.

    I'm sure you guys worked long and hard building the New version of hpt, I just wasn't mentally prepared for the changes, its like, someone going from windows Xp, to windows 10, without being prepared that there is a difference. I'm na?ve, and just didn't realize there was such a drastic change, I see lots of changes for the good, but I was just stunned that so much has changed, LOL

  2. #82
    Advanced Tuner
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    would be cool if this would be updated