Quote Originally Posted by Chris@HPTuners View Post
yes, after looking into the spark retard value used for the axis on the table its not just the knock retard. It's more than that *sigh*

Timing Retard Axis = (Base Spark - HighOctaneSpark) + IATSpark(limited to 0) + ECTSpark(limited to 0) + FlexFuelSpark - KR

Base Spark = the current base spark lookup from High and Low Octane tables
HighOctaneSpark = lookup from high octane spark table

So basically it's the difference between the current spark and the high octane spark (a negative number) plus the IAT, ECT and FF spark (all negative as well) minus the current KR value (a positive number, hence the minus).

Hope that helps,

That kind of explains a lot - when the car blips one or two degress of total KR at wide open, nothing happens to commanded boost for me. One could assume that if the knock airmass was strictly based on total KR, it would drop commanded boost for protection. Also based on what you said, the closer your base advance is to high octane, the more profound the effect of the knock airmass table. Again, thank you for the additional clarification - it will go a long way to making faster and safer work together!